Our home watch services are tailored for homeowners who are full-time residents and vacationing or absentee second homeowners. We will customize a comprehensive home management plan that will meet your individual needs. Our weekly property inspections ensure your home is secure and operating efficiently. Rest easy knowing that your investment is in good hands. Some of the great services we offer as part of our Estate Caretaking Plan include:

Check security systems
Heating and cooling systems
Thermostat controls
Door windows and locks
Evidence of entry
Storm damage

The primary purpose of a home watch service is to inspect a house, condo, or estate on behalf of its absentee owner; looking for existing problems or any issues that could become problems if not addressed promptly. We visit your property on the frequency you’ve selected (once, twice, or four times per month) and perform a very thorough inspection of the exterior and interior. Ours is one of the most extensive checklists in the industry, covering numerous exterior conditions, interior conditions, kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances, mechanical and energy systems, pools, spas, and the garage. At the completion of a watch inspection, the checklist is emailed to you along with an arrival photo and additional photos of conditions deemed problematic or noteworthy. You’re notified immediately by phone if a serious problem is found and/or an immediate repair is required.

From detecting water leaks, damage from animals or rodents, storm damage, forced entry, and heating and cooling issues, Peak Property Management can minimize the damage that may occur while your home is unattended. Any areas of concern that we notice during our scheduled visits will be brought to your attention immediately and can be repaired according to your wishes. When you return to your home, it will ready for you to enjoy instead of leaving you with a list of surprises to work on when you arrive. Peak Property Management will be your eyes and ears while you are away. The experience we have in homeownership along with our background in landscaping, snow removal, plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling, has equipped us with the ability to be very observant of clients’ homes and properties while providing excellent customer service.

Our Promise To You

We understand the emotional and practical concerns of allowing someone into your personal dwelling or aboard your vessel when you are not present. So, to demonstrate how highly we value the trust and confidence that you place in us when allowing us onto your estate, we make you the following promises:


All representatives of Peak Property Management are thoroughly screened and assessed as honest, honorable, reliable, and of impeccable integrity. Our home watch team must abide by a strict Code of Conduct:

Always be respectful and professional toward clients and their property
Never enter any rooms or areas deemed by a client to be restricted or otherwise off-limits
Never open any drawers, cabinets, or cupboards unless necessary to assess an immediate problem
Never bring along another person onto client property who is not a Peak Property management, representative or client-approved contractor
Never remain on client property longer than required to perform contracted services


An important aspect of our code of respectfulness is respect for your privacy. We do not divulge client names, addresses, or other information unless there is a need to do so brought on by a specific request from you to manage a third-party contractor, service, delivery, or similar task. And even then, only a minimal amount of information is provided in order to complete such tasks. Additionally, the necessary information within your profile remains secure within our internal system; and all keys remain locked up at all times unless visiting your property.


We have an extensive, customizable checklist for both interior & exterior inspections. A checklist and photos are emailed to you after each visit. A sample of inspections performed during each visit include:


Check the perimeter of the home for any signs of damage, forced entry and/or vandalism
Visually assess the roof for damage or heavy snow loads
Assess for animal, rodent, or other pest infestation
Remove any newspapers or circulars and check the mail
Look for downed limbs or trees
Ensure garbage receptacles are properly stored
Ensure the driveway is plowed and walkways shoveled
Check for damage, mold, or fading of all patio furniture
Sweep all debris from areas on the patio, pool area, hot tub area, driveway, etc
Check the water level of the swimming pool and spa


Ensure the security system is working properly
Ensure doors, windows and sliders are locked and secure
Check settings and record the temperature of the air conditioning/heating
Ensure proper operation of smoke detectors and replace batteries if necessary
Check under the sink for moisture
Ensure the refrigerator is working properly
Run faucets, dishwasher, and garbage disposal
Inspect water heater and clothes washer
Inspect boiler and heating system
Flush toilets and check for leaks and add disinfectant and run all faucets
Check for insects and pests throughout the home and check for water intrusion throughout the home
Home watch services